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  • Let’s Go Crazy

  • Prince and the Making of Purple Rain
  • De : Alan Light
  • Lu par : Fred Berman
  • Durée : 7 h et 11 min

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Let’s Go Crazy

De : Alan Light
Lu par : Fred Berman
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    From the former senior editor of Rolling Stone and author of The Holy or the Broken, called "thoughtful and illuminating" by The New York Times, a new book on the unlikely coming to be of Prince's now legendary album.

    Purple Rain is a song, an album, and a film - each one a commercial success and cultural milestone. How did this semiautobiographical musical masterpiece that blurred R&B, pop, dance, and rock sounds come to alter the recording landscape and become an enduring touchstone for successive generations of fans?

    Purple Rain is widely considered to be among the most important albums in music history and is often named the best soundtrack of all time. It sold over a million copies in its first week and blasted to number one on the charts, where it would remain for a full six months and eventually sell over 20 million copies worldwide. It spun off three huge hit singles, won Grammys and an Oscar, and took Prince from pop star to legend.

    Coinciding with the 30th anniversary year of Purple Rain's release, acclaimed music journalist Alan Light takes a timely look at the making and incredible popularizing of this once seemingly impossible project. With impeccable research and in-depth interviews with people who witnessed Prince's audacious vision becoming a reality, Light reveals how a rising but not yet established artist from the Midwest was able not only to get Purple Rain made but deliver on his promise to conquer the world.

    ©2014 Alan Light (P)2015 Audible, Inc.

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