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  • Let's Be Honest

  • Living a Life of Radical, Biblical Integrity
  • De : Jeremy Gove
  • Lu par : Cruze
  • Durée : 3 h et 21 min

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Couverture de Let's Be Honest

Let's Be Honest

De : Jeremy Gove
Lu par : Cruze
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    "Jeremy is a talented and thoughtful writer. And, I consider him a spiritual thought leader. His own noble character has given him the credibility to create this needed resource." (Ryan French, pastor at Apostolic Tabernacle) 

    What does honesty mean to us today?

    In this insightful work, Jeremy Gove compels us to consider that there's more to honesty than meets the eye. As he points out, there’s no ancient Hebrew word for honest. Instead, emet, the word we translate as “honest”, is just the word for truth. Emet is also comprised of the first, middle, and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, implying that for something to be true, it must be true from the beginning, to the middle, to the end.

    So it is with our lives. Using solid scriptural support and an array of compelling stories, Let's Be Honest will not only grab your interest, but your intellect and emotions, as well. Gove weaves together a tapestry of truth that challenges the listener to self-reflect and examine the man in the mirror.

    Listen to this book at your own risk! It's bound to change your mentality, ministry, and life!

    ©2020 Jeremy Gove (P)2020 Jeremy Gove

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