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  • Let the Light In

  • Lessons learned through life, love and laughter
  • De : Jane McDonald
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de Let the Light In

Let the Light In

De : Jane McDonald
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    'Life is what you make it, nothing is for free
    Stand up and be counted, and be who you want to be'
    'Let The Light In' Jane McDonald

    Jane was planning a golden retirement with her beloved partner Ed, when a shocking cancer diagnosis changed everything. Ed was terminally ill. Jane nursed him at home until the end, on her own, with the UK in lockdown. At first she was overwhelmed, but slowly gathered strength from caring for her loved one, and now sees that it was a privilege to be there for him.

    'Let The Light In', a song Jane wrote over twenty years ago during another dark time, points the way to finding a new kind of joy out of sorrow. It's a philosophy Jane has always lived by and, in this deeply personal book exploring the same themes, she reveals the lessons she's learned that have helped her grow, adapt and rise up through adversity. She looks back with candour and honesty on her experiences of heartbreak and loss, failure and burn-out. Cherishing the ring of support around her, taking the odd duvet day and keeping a sense of humour throughout, she grew stronger through each challenge, building resilience, trusting her gut, going for her goals.

    Read on and let Jane McDonald’s fabulous light into your own life.

    ©2024 Jane McDonald (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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