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Couverture de Let Go of the Guilt

Let Go of the Guilt

De : Valorie Burton
Lu par : Valorie Burton
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    Learn how to leave guilt behind for good! Life coach Valorie Burton teaches you a simple yet profound method that will free you from the “false guilt” that is so common among busy women today.

    Even women who feel fulfilled often struggle to meet the demands of modern life. Both working and stay-at-home moms agree that the expectations of women have risen dramatically in recent decades.

    As a result, many women overcompensate and over-apologize while the guilt dampens the joy of motherhood, relationships, and professional accomplishments. Let Go of the Guilt helps you peel back the layers of emotional, cultural, and spiritual expectations that make it difficult to navigate your multiple roles, dreams, and daily demands on your life.

    Through her signature self-coaching process, powerful questions, and practical research, Valorie Burton shows you how to:

    • Recognize and overcome the five thought patterns of guilt
    • Break the surprising habit that tempts you to subconsciously choose guilt over joy,
    • Stop guilt from sneaking its way into your everyday decisions and interactions,
    • Flip those guilt trips so you can keep others from manipulating you, and
    • Stop setting yourself up for stress, anxiety, and obligation, and instead set yourself for a life of joy and freedom

    Valorie’s journaling questions and research-based process will shift your perspective, give you clarity and courage, and equip you with a plan of action to let go of the guilt for good.

    ©2020 Valorie Burton (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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