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Lessons I Learned in the Divorce

De : Otescia R. Johnson
Lu par : Melinda Kordich
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Who says divorce has to be the most horrible experience life has to offer? Why can't we accept the situation for what it is and choose to learn and grow from it? Well, Otescia Johnson is encouraging women to do just that! Instead of moping and being depressed about the unfortunate circumstances of divorce, Otescia encourages women to learn the lessons divorce has to offer so that they can emerge stronger and wiser from the situation. No one gets married thinking they are going to divorce, but if the situation spirals beyond your control, why not empower yourself to blossom into the woman you were always created to be. Lessons I Learned in the Divorce focuses on 10 specific things Otescia learned that have helped to shape her thought process and outlook on life. She now shares this information to help other women transition from pain, anger, and loneliness to strength, wisdom, and empowerment!

©2014 Otescia R Johnson (P)2017 Otescia R Johnson
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