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Couverture de Legends of Ogre Gate

Legends of Ogre Gate

De : Jeremy Bai
Lu par : Leona Khong
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    Legends of Ogre Gate is the story of Sunan and Bao. He comes from a fishing village, she is from a noble family in the capital city. The invasion of the Demon Emperor throws the lands into chaos, and brings Qi into the world, allowing for superhuman martial arts to develop. In many stories, the main characters discover ancient fighting methods, but in Legends of Ogre Gate, Sunan and Bao are the ones who invent martial arts cultivation. The story starts with both of them in their teens, and ends with them as adults with children of their own. It's an epic wuxia adventure filled with quasi-mythological elements, a teeny splash of romance, and a bit of humor mixed into the action.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Jeremy Bai (P)2021 Jeremy Bai

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