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Couverture de Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies

De : Marci Shimoff
Lu par : Marci Shimoff
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    I nearly drove into the ditch when I heard on the radio that people who are happy earn $750,000 more in their lifetime than others.

    More than 255 studies show that money doesn’t buy happiness. Studies say it is the other way around: Happiness attracts money.

    You can easily and systematically raise your everyday level of happiness. This also means that no matter what happens in your life, what stress plows into you, or how dire the circumstances might turn, you can automatically return to a higher level of happiness than you have today.

    It’s not about getting richer, thinner, or smarter, and as a result, becoming happier. It’s about becoming happier, with everything falling in line.

    Happiness is the secret to the Law of Attraction

    Marci interviewed 100 unconditionally happy people, including Paul Scheele, Chunyi Lin, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, John Gray, and Hale Dwoskin (all who have programs published by Learning Strategies). Marci combined many of the interviews with cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world’s leading experts in the fields of positive psychology and neurophysiology.

    From that, she developed a powerful, proven seven step program that you can incorporate into your life to be happier right now, no matter where you start.

    She’ll regale you with phenomenal tales and success stories of people who’ve applied these steps to their own lives to become happy for no reason. You may not know this, but Marci co-authored six of the mega-successful Chicken Soup for the Soul books— she knows how to use stories to teach, inspire, and motivate you to take action. That’s part of the magic of her course.

    In eight audio sets and one guidebook, you will learn practical, down-to-earth strategies based on the new science of happiness that will help you experience happiness “from the inside out.”

    You don’t have to have happy genes, win the lottery, lose 20 pounds, or become a saint. By the time you finish listening to Marci’s course, you will be experiencing more happiness. Follow the steps which help you adopt habits that most happy people have, and you will live in an authentic state of sustained happiness for the rest of your life.

    ©2022 Marci Shimoff (P)2022 Marci Shimoff

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