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  • Learn English

  • A Beginner's Guide for ESL Learners
  • De : Jenna Swan
  • Lu par : Jenna Swan
  • Durée : 2 h et 45 min

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Learn English

De : Jenna Swan
Lu par : Jenna Swan
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    It's likely that your journey of the English language has already begun. We guess that you are committed to improving your fluency and confidence. When learning any language, it is easy to feel defeated and overwhelmed at times. Remember that learning English offers many lifelong benefits, which include work opportunities, ease of travel, and making friends. Wherever you are in the journey, you are always one step closer to fluency than you were at the beginning. You will get there!

    You don't have to listen to this book from beginning to end; you can dip in and out at any chapter. The grammar rules are at the back of the book for a reason. Grammar is important, but remembering vocabulary and phrases will help you to speak English fluently even faster. You can decide how you learn, and what you learn. All we advise is that you practice every day, and try to learn at least 10 new words, and one grammar rule per week. If you do this, you will be speaking English fluently faster and confidently.

    ©2016 Jenna Swan (P)2017 Jenna Swan

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