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Couverture de Learn Conversational Arabic

Learn Conversational Arabic

De : Global Citizen Language Learning
Lu par : Rania Al Hanini, Tom Holmes, Mais Salah, Yousef Al-Shamali
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    Are you captivated by the melodic Arabic language, but feel chained by the barriers of script, pronunciation, and dialect variations?

    Do you aim to grasp the Levantine dialect of Arabic for enhanced travel experiences, deepened cultural understanding, or for academic or professional advancement?

    Language learning, especially for Arabic, can seem overwhelming. Still, it doesn’t have to be complicated, especially with a guide specifically tailored to help you overcome these hurdles, with practicality and fun in equal measure!

    Get ready to dive headfirst into the captivating world of Levantine Arabic, with a blend of cultural insights and interactive language lessons, designed for every level.

    Here’s a taste of the linguistic journey ahead:

    • 10 fundamental lessons to kick-start your Arabic adventure, providing a rock-solid foundation for effective communication.
    • Practical vocabulary and phrases introduced through engaging scenarios, fostering natural communication from day one.
    • Crack the code to mastering tricky Arabic sounds, with audio support to perfect pronunciation.

    ...and so much more!

    So even if you've found learning a new language intimidating in the past, shake off your worries. To learn Levantine Arabic, all you need is this guide, an open mind, and a passion for a culturally immersive experience!

    If you're ready to embrace the Arabic-speaking world like never before, then don't hold back! Scroll up and click "Add to Cart." Your path to mastering conversational Arabic starts here!

    ©2024 Blackstone Publications (P)2024 Blackstone Publications

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