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Couverture de Learn Bulgarian Bundle: Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2)

Learn Bulgarian Bundle: Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2)

De : Innovative Language Learning LLC
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    Are you a beginner-level learner looking to improve your Bulgarian?

    You may know the alphabet.

    You may know some phrases and some grammar.

    But if you still can't speak and understand basic Bulgarian conversations...

    Then Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2) is for you.

    A new and easy way to learn Bulgarian through everyday conversations!

    Important! This Audiobook is for Beginner-level learners who've finished Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1). If you are brand new to Bulgarian, please start with Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1).

    And there are 3 simple reasons why this Audiobook is so effective.

    1. You learn real Bulgarian as it's spoken in real life.

    You get to hear real native speakers and get accustomed to the flow of Bulgarian, which you won't get from Apps and textbooks. Just press play and listen. Lessons are just 5 minutes long and can be done anywhere, anytime—at home or on the go.

    2. You learn vocabulary and grammar without memorization.

    You're not learning words or grammar rules one by one. Instead, you get to learn through the context of the conversations. Our teachers slow down the conversations in every lesson and explain every word and grammar rule. It's that simple.

    3. You start speaking Bulgarian in minutes.

    Not only will you understand practical conversations, but you'll also be able to use the same phrases. Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2) focuses on everyday Bulgarian—the kind that you yourself will use in Bulgaria.

    By the end, you will be able to:

    • Give your thoughts and opinions;
    • Talk about the future in Bulgarian;
    • Make requests and give orders;
    • Make comparisons and invitations;
    • And much more.

    About Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2):

    • Contains 2 BulgarianPod101 Audiobooks in 1
    • Learn with 5-minute audio lessons
    • 35 lessons: 4+ hours in total
    • Includes a 200-page PDF for reading along
    • Aligned with level A1-A2 of the CEFR
    • Continuation of Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners (Level 1)

    So, if you want to take your Bulgarian to the next level, get Learn Bulgarian Bundle - Bulgarian for Beginners (Level 2) and start speaking Bulgarian today!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Innovative Language Learning, LLC (P)2024 Innovative Language Learning, LLC

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