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  • Lean Weight Loss Habits

  • Stop Dieting, Lifelong Sliming, Better Eating, Healthy Living, New Behaviors, Don't Suffer & Stay Slim
  • De : JR Fate
  • Lu par : Dan McGowan
  • Durée : 2 h et 11 min

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Lean Weight Loss Habits

De : JR Fate
Lu par : Dan McGowan
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    Lean Weight Loss Habits is a practical guide on how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, without starving or going on crash diets. It’s essentially a guide to inspire you to live holistically - staying slim is part of a bigger picture of a healthy lifestyle. You cannot achieve your ideal weight and stay at it for very long, without making a mind shift. You need to have a clear perspective about the idea of weight loss, and then begin working toward it to achieve your goal in a realistic way. The more real and holistic approach you have toward your fitness goals, the easier it gets to achieve them.

    Losing weight isn’t hard. Maintaining an ideal weight is. If you want to become someone who’s aware of their eating habits, daily exercise routine, and sleep patterns, you need to listen to this book. You need to be mindful of your ways before you become disciplined about your daily life. It’s simply impossible to stick to something, without being aware of its value.

    You will find many easy tips and tricks through the book that will help you train your mind to think in a certain manner. Remember, it’s all in the head. So, enjoy listening to the book, and begin your weight loss journey in a fun and easy way!

    ©2021 Apex Book Publishing (P)2021 Apex Book Publishing

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