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  • Lean Startup, to Lean Company, to Rich Exit

  • How to Apply Kenan System's $1000 In, $1.5 Billion Out Principles to Today's Startups
  • De : Kenan E. Sahin
  • Lu par : Chris Garnier
  • Durée : 6 h et 36 min

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Couverture de Lean Startup, to Lean Company, to Rich Exit

Lean Startup, to Lean Company, to Rich Exit

De : Kenan E. Sahin
Lu par : Chris Garnier
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    The turning $1,000 into $1.54 billion story

    In 1982, MIT professor Kenan Sahin took $1,000 from his savings and used it to undertake the most extraordinary entrepreneurial journey, culminating with a $1.54 billion rich exit just 17 years later. This is the story of Kenan's turning his academic theories into axiomatic principles for building a Lean Startup into a Lean Company followed by a Rich Exit.

    Among those principles are...

    Suffusing the organization with a "teach and learn, learn and teach" mindset

    Recruiting and retaining the nations finest talent by hiring based on aptitude > attitude > willingness > experience (in order of importance)

    Finding a way to reject outside funding and retain full ownership

    And every step and misstep along Kean's road to success is brought into the present day for Kenan remains the professor at heart and is deeply committed to helping fellow entrepreneurs forge models for outsized excellence in their own way forward.

    ©2024 Kenan E. Sahin (P)2024 Kenan E. Sahin

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