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  • Lean Startup

  • Essential Guide to Build Your Lean Startup and How to Start Step by Step
  • De : Harry Altman
  • Lu par : Bridger Conklin
  • Durée : 1 h et 12 min

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Lean Startup

De : Harry Altman
Lu par : Bridger Conklin
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    Lean Startup provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and gets the desired product to customers' hands faster. The lean startup method teaches you how to drive a startup - how to steer, when to turn, and when to persevere - and grow a business with maximum acceleration.

    Too many startups begin with an idea for a product that they think people want. Then they spend months, sometimes years, perfecting that product without ever showing the product, even in a very rudimentary form, to the prospective customer.

    When they fail to reach broad uptake from customers, it is often because they never spoke to prospective customers and determined whether or not the product was interesting. When customers ultimately communicate, through their indifference, that they don't care about the idea, the startup fails.

    Using the lean startup approach, discussed in this book, companies can create order:

    • Picking the right type of lean startup
    • Lean approach
    • Startup operations management
    • Niche marketing

    Lean isn't simply about spending less money. Lean isn't just about failing cheaply. It is about putting a process, a methodology around the development of a product.

    Get this amazing audiobook!

    ©2017 Harry Altman (P)2017 Harry Altman

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