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Couverture de Lean Analytics

Lean Analytics

De : Harry Altman
Lu par : Bridger Conklin
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    Lean Analytics opens up the world of collecting and analyzing data to new entrepreneurs, by showing them how to use data as a powerful tool without getting consumed by it to build, launch and grow their startup faster while focusing on the right metrics. Without data, any good entrepreneur will lie to themselves about how good their business really is.

    Building a company successfully comes down to finding the golden middle between believing in your dream and building something the world actually needs, and data is the balancing pole that lets you walk on this tightrope.

    Much of lean analytics is about finding a meaningful metric, then running experiments to improve it until that metric is good enough for you to move on to the next problem or the next stage of your business.

    In a startup, you don't always know which metrics are key, because you're not entirely sure what business you're in. You're still trying to find the right product or the right target audience. In a startup, the purpose of analytics as discussed in this book is to find your way to the right product and market before the money runs out.

    • Workforce analytics
    • Lean thinking
    • How to use analytical data
    • Lean thinking and KPI

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    ©2017 Harry Altman (P)2017 Harry Altman

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