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Couverture de Leading with a Clinical Mind

Leading with a Clinical Mind

De : Cara Bramlett
Lu par : C. J. Stephens
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    Imagine leading your high functioning team to meet the organization's goals as an industry leader. You are followed for who you are and what you represent. Your team members willingly share adversity and pending threats. Make this a reality through understanding leadership techniques through our clinical mindset.

    Learn how to relate to each member of your team and know how to maximize each one's unique skills. Learn how to leverage skills of communication, coaching, conflict resolution, and much more!

    As clinical professionals, you have naturally dedicated your life to serving patients. Understanding how to relate leadership to medicine makes the transition smooth for clinically minded individuals.

    Any clinical professional can be an effective leader! This book will teach you management concepts through medical analogies.

    You will also discover the following:

    • Ten techniques to combat feeling overwhelmed
    • Activities to develop emotional intelligence
    • The Most successful method of employee engagement
    • How to speak so others love to listen
    • Steps to a call to action plan
    • Tips for managing high volume emails
    • And much more!

    It is possible to be an effective and influential clinical leader in the business world! Listen to this book to find out how!

    ©2017 Cara Bramlett (P)2017 Cara Bramlett

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