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Couverture de Leading Small Groups That Thrive

Leading Small Groups That Thrive

De : Ryan T. Hartwig, Courtney W. Davis, Jason A. Sniff, Jared Musgrove - foreword, Jared Musgrove
Lu par : John Behrens, LaQuita James
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    Nearly every church is trying to help its congregants build relationships with others, grow as disciples, and/or engage in meaningful service through small groups. Many have argued that these small groups are the preferred vehicle for relationship building, disciple making, and membership assimilation in the local church, especially in large, multisite churches.

    Leading Small Groups That Thrive shows small group leaders, step by step, how to plan for, launch, build, sustain, and multiply highly effective, transformational, healthy small group experiences where people grow spiritually together. Based on a large-scale research study of small group pastors, leaders, and members, Leading Small Groups That Thrive gives church leaders both what they want - practical, straightforward, actual small-group-member voices and experiences, and compelling guidance on how to build transformational groups complemented with real-life examples and data of successful small groups - and what they need - substantial, challenging insights and a data-driven model grounded in the latest research on church small groups.

    Accompanying assessments, graphs, discussion questions, and appendixes are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

    ©2020 Ryan T. Hartwig, Courtney W. Davis, and Jason A. Sniff (P)2020 Zondervan

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