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  • Leading Blind Without Vision

  • The Benefits of Hiring the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • De : Welby Broaddus
  • Lu par : Welby Broaddus
  • Durée : 3 h et 45 min

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Leading Blind Without Vision

De : Welby Broaddus
Lu par : Welby Broaddus
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    Leading Blind Without Vision: The Benefits of Hiring the Blind and Visually Impaired is a handbook for human resource professionals and hiring managers who want to bring their organization into the 21st century using principles of diversity and inclusion.

    You will listen to the shocking stories of Dr. Mona Minkara, Brian Banks, Belo Cipriani, and many others who have overcome the discrimination and inequity that haunts the labor force today. In spite of setbacks, these leaders have demonstrated that through dedication, adaptability, and creative problem solving, it is possible to thrive as a blind and/or visually impaired employee today.

    Author Welby Broaddus takes listenesr along the employment journey using all five senses of human perception, and shares how employers can use this insiders knowledge to create more meaningful engagements with their next Blind and Visually Impaired employee. Along the way, Broaddus shares a wealth of resources for hiring managers, provides firsthand insight from leaders within the BVI community, and demonstrates why today’s blind and visually impaired population might just be one of the greatest untapped labor forces of the 21st century.

    This book is your most valuable resource to gaining a competitive advantage in the workforce of the future!

    ©2021 Welby Broaddus (P)2022 Welby Broaddus

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