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Leadership Lessons of the Navy SEALs

De : Jeff Cannon, Jon Cannon
Lu par : Michael Prichard
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    The Navy Seal way to win in business

    Leadership and teamwork techniques of the military elite, where partnering is mandatory, and failure is never an option

    As increasing focus is placed on fully utilizing and leveraging the value of employees, managers are finding that strong team leadership can be the answer to increasing productivity, reducing turnover, and boosting morale. A coherent, proven approach to teambuilding and leadership is very much in demand. Such an approach exists in today's military, where powerful leadership and effective teamwork are more than just concepts­­ - they're necessities. Leadership Lessons of the Navy SEALs analyzes the leadership and team-building techniques and strategies of elite Navy SEAL units, and guides business leaders and managers in creating, training, and leading teams that are extraordinarily successful at carrying out the company's mission.

    Built around inspiring real-life stories from both the military and business worlds, this no-nonsense book outlines a step-by-step approach for boosting morale and increasing productivity. Leaders from every business environment will discover techniques to:

    • Communicate objectives simply and forcefully
    • Build flexible, dynamic organizational structures
    • Acquire and keep important team members
    • Gain the trust and loyalty of team members
    • Prevent bureaucracy within chains of command
    • Effectively train their eventual replacements
    • Plan and prepare for crises
    • Make training relevant

    Please note: This is an historical recording. The audio quality represents the technology of the time when it was produced.

    ©2003 McGraw-Hill (P)2005 McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio

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