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Couverture de Lead2Flourish


De : Dr. Deana Murphy
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    Do you want to grow the ability to bring your highest self to every moment, challenge and relationship? This book sets out to show your greatest potential isn’t centered on new skills or how-to tips but on an awareness of your limiting behaviors and breaking through them.

    Working with an awareness of your ego-behavioral triggers, you can develop your greatest leadership potential and enjoy more of what you do. More than ever, leaders face pressure, anxiety, and the need to be right, the need to have all answers, and the need for certainty. Self-preservation gets in the way of your leadership aspirations. Interpersonal issues aren’t being addressed, or when addressed, escalate into serious performance problems and crises.

    Dr. Deana walks you through the process of addressing the root causes that triggers these survivor behaviors appearing at the wrong time and shifts you in the direction of getting what you want out of life. We don’t need leaders who know about leadership–we need leaders who expand their capacity to flourish in the midst of difficulty, pressure, and uncertainty. Whether you’re a medical, legal or corporate executive, her Lead2Flourish R4 Blueprint is a simple system you’ve been looking for to handle inner tension.

    In Lead2Flourish, Dr. Deana combines the business of wellbeing and performance. Packed with real-world narratives, each chapter sets you on the pathway to bring your highest self to every moment, challenge, and relationship.

    In Lead2Flourish, learn how to lead from a foundation of executive wellbeing by

    •Gaining awareness of your unhelpful unconscious behaviors

    •Knowing the root cause of unhelpful behaviors and how to get rid of them

    •Recognizing your thought patterns and fears

    •Getting on your own side

    •Steadying your thinking with emotional resilience

    •Killing energy draining activities

    •Maintaining grit and determination

    •Developing your leadership voice

    •Resourcing yourself to others

    •And so much more!

    ©2022 Dr. Deana Murphy (P)2023 Dr. Deana Murphy

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