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  • Lazarus of Bethany

  • Uncovering the Theology Behind Jesus Raising Lazarus from the Dead (Organic Faith, Book 3)
  • De : Scott Douglas
  • Lu par : Gary Whitaker
  • Durée : 1 h et 19 min

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Couverture de Lazarus of Bethany

Lazarus of Bethany

De : Scott Douglas
Lu par : Gary Whitaker
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    Discover the true miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead

    Lazarus is an amazing story. 

    A man rose from the dead! You just don’t get any more awesome than that, right? So that’s it, then. That’s what we are supposed to learn from his resurrection, right? Not exactly.

    Jesus performed lots of miracles. John said it best when he said that there would not be room in the whole world to describe all that he did. 

    It’s easy to look at the stories of miracles and see them for what they’re worth: miracles. But that’s a shame. If the miracle is in the Bible, there’s a reason for it. It’s not just there because it was miraculous.

    With Lazarus, a man rose from the dead - an amazing miracle, no doubt. But there’s more to it than that. There’s a lesson to be learned.

    Lazarus wasn’t just a man raised from the dead - he had a life before and after his resurrection. And Jesus didn’t perform the miracle just to be flashy.

    ©2021 Scott La Counte (P)2021 Scott La Counte

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