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Law of Attraction

De : Joanna Cameron
Lu par : Joanna Cameron
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What is it that you want? The Law of Attraction basically says that you can attract anything into your life if you focus on it and believe it. If you dream it and believe it, you can achieve it.

More than ever now, people are ready for change. We see it in all facets of society. We are coming out of the pandemic looking at things with fresh eyes.

It’s springtime here in Washington, DC. The cherry blossoms have peaked in record time and are blooming! Scientific evidence is pointed toward the quantum field of energy, a higher dimension of energy.

It is interesting to note that parts of DNA are known to be quantum and DNA can effectively connect with all DNA on the same frequency. Epigenetics is the study of how a cell’s surrounding environment can affect its performance either positively or negatively.

The point here is that cells have an enormous ability to regenerate in certain environments. A pessimistic person, for example, can train their brain to be optimistic simply by exercising visualization skills with strong positive feelings. The process of creating new neural pathways has a lot in common with the process of manifesting your desires.

Another example of the Law of Attraction in action is manifested in sports performance. Research has shown that mental practice in the lucid state or REM sleep state can improve strength, conditioning, flexibility, and endurance. It also promotes a positive, confident outlook.

Millions of people are awakening and understanding their true power lies in going within. We live in exciting times in a vibrational universe, governed by the Law of Attraction, where you have the opportunity to reach your soul’s highest destiny. Stay tuned!

©2021 Joanna Cameron (P)2022 Joanna Cameron
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