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  • Laugh It Up

  • Using Humor to Improve Your Health, Wealth, and Happiness
  • De : Shai Gelber
  • Lu par : Eric F. Martin
  • Durée : 2 h et 41 min

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Laugh It Up

De : Shai Gelber
Lu par : Eric F. Martin
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    Global humor expert Shai Gelber reveals the #1 tool to dealing with all the things you should and shouldn't laugh about.

    No one denies the incredible power of laughter and humor, with extensive research showing its beneficial properties to our well-being. It boosts confidence, diffuses stress, and is a massive part of our social structure.

    So why aren't we using it where it counts?

    In Laugh it Up, professional humor expert Shai Gelber draws on years of research, practical experience, and inspiring accounts of success from across the globe to demonstrate just how crucial humor is to our general well-being and, more importantly, how we can apply it to promote our health, wealth, and our happiness and satisfaction.

    Far more than a simple coping mechanism, humor can be the greatest tool in your arsenal for almost any situation in life. With (most) jokes aside, Gelber takes a serious approach to the subject and unpacks several underlying theories: Why we laugh at some things but not others; how humor moves and connects people; what mechanisms comedians use that we can apply; and how to develop your own humoristic philosophy.

    We all strive to move up in the world. We want to be happier, richer, healthier but worrying is not what will help get us there. Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, boost your creativity, or simply have more fun laughter is the best way up.

    ©2023 Shai Gelber (P)2024 eBookPro

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