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Couverture de Laugh Again

Laugh Again

De : Charles R. Swindoll
Lu par : Wayne Campbell
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    Did you hear the one about the Christian who couldn't keep from laughing? Chuck Swindoll has not only heard it, he tells it in this delightful book that gives us permission to be happy again.

    "When did life stop being funny?" Swindoll asks. His answer is found in this best-selling book, which speaks to all busy, joy-drained people—from the pressured businessman to the harried homemaker.

    In Laugh Again, pastor-teacher and author Chuck Swindoll will show you how to:

    • live in the present,
    • say "no" to negativism,
    • and enjoy your walk with God

    Laugh Again is loaded with great insights and simple fixes to the snares we get caught up in our day to day lives. When you realize that no one’s life is perfect, you’ll see how joy and humor can be inspirational.

    Let this compelling book show you how to experience outrageous joy...and learn to laugh again!

    ©1992 Charles R. Swindoll (P)2022 Thomas Nelson

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