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Couverture de Last Night at Villa Lucia

Last Night at Villa Lucia

De : Simon McCleave
Lu par : Clare Corbett
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    From the Amazon #1 bestselling author

    A body is floating face down in the middle of the infinity pool.

    For a second I think I’m imagining it. My head is throbbing as I pull my sunglasses down over my eyes. It’s not even 8 a.m. and the blazing Tuscan sunshine is already stifling.

    Flashes of last night play over in my mind. The spiteful words hurled across the table. The ruined meal. The endless glasses of crisp white wine. My daughter watching my every move.

    Tears choke my throat. This beautiful villa was the only good thing that came out of my painful divorce. I fix my eyes on the gently swaying cypress trees as I try to calm my breathing.

    A police siren pierces the tranquility and I collapse onto a wicker chair. I must get my story straight fast. But one question plays over in my mind without an answer.

    What really happened last night?

    Once you start reading, you won't be able to stop until you've uncovered the shocking truth hidden within the walls of this seemingly perfect Tuscan villa. Fans of The Housemaid, T.M. Logan and Gone Girl will be utterly gripped by this addictive, twisty psychological thriller from multimillion-copy bestselling author Simon McCleave.

    ©2024 Simon McCleave (P)2024 Storm Publishing

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