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Couverture de Last Duke Standing

Last Duke Standing

De : Julia London
Lu par : Justin Hill
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    A princess in need of a husband.
    A rake not in want of a wife.

    London 1855

    Deemed unsuitable to rule by her parents, Princess Justine
    is sent to England to learn from Queen Victoria what it means to be royal. In London she will also be matched with a suitable husband. But headstrong Justine is not one to be influenced, especially in matters of the heart, and so roguish bachelor William, Lord Douglas is sent to watch over the spirited young woman.

    However, the longer William spends in Justine’s company, the more he is attracted to the opinionated Princess and considers all suitors unacceptable. Soon London society has no more matches. Yet Justine is expected to marry.

    But amidst the politics and protocol, what if the right man has been there all along…?

    A sparkling new historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julia London

    ©2022 Julia London (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    ’The gorgeous characters and the wit and charm made this a book I simply didn’t want to put down.’ – Nicola Cornick on The Princess Plan

    “This is a perfect historical romance” – Sunday Times Bestselling Author Sarah Morgan

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