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Couverture de Last Chance Dance

Last Chance Dance

De : Lakita Wilson
Lu par : Yinka Ladeinde
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    An utterly charming YA romance perfect for fans of Elise Bryant and Leah Johnson.

    "An ode to love in all its beautiful chaos. Leila is funny, irreverent, and next-level charming, and her story is an actual joyride. Sheer delight through and through."—Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

    Leila is crushed when Dev, her boyfriend of four years, breaks up with her right before graduation. Just when she’s thinking she wasted her entire high school experience on a dead-end relationship, her best friend Bree reminds her that Last Chance Dance is just around the corner.

    A high school tradition, the Last Chance Dance gives all the students one last opportunity to find love before they graduate. All Leila has to do is submit three unrequited crushes to the dance committee and if any of her crushes list her too, they’ll get matched. Presto: new relationship, just like that. To her utter amazement, Leila is matched with all three of her choices—and with someone she never expected, Tre Hillman, her chemistry partner and low-key nemesis.

    Though at times skeptical, Leila embarks on her Last Chance Dance mission—trying out her matches and going on dates. If Dev wasn’t her true love—then maybe someone else is. She knows it’s definitely not Tre, even though he seems more and more determined to convince her he’s right for her.

    But as graduation and the dance approaches, and each date seems to change her mind (and her heart)—Leila must figure out what—and who—she really wants. It’s her last chance, right?

    ©2023 Lakita Wilson (P)2023 Listening Library


    "An ode to love in all its beautiful chaos. Leila is funny, irreverent, and next-level charming, and her story is an actual joyride. Sheer delight through and through."—Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

    "Fun, fast-paced, and laugh-out-loud funny, Last Chance Dance will throw readers right back into the final few weeks of their senior year. You can't help but to root for Leila as she picks up the pieces of her broken heart and embarks on a delightful mission to find new love before graduation."—Priyanka Taslim, author of The Love Match

    *"Wilson’s part breakup tale, part rom-com isn’t just about falling in and out of love; it’s also a story about Leila’s rediscovering herself in the face of loss, learning from her mistakes, and giving people a chance to redeem themselves...A charming and hopeful story about life post-heartbreak."—Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

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