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Couverture de Ladybird Audio Adventures: Castles

Ladybird Audio Adventures: Castles

De : Ladybird
Lu par : Ben Bailey Smith
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    Brought to you by Ladybird.

    Winner of The FutureBook of the Year Award 2019 and The Week Junior’s Children’s Audiobook of the Year 2023.

    Meet our fearless adventurers Cassandra, Otto and Missy, the smartest raven in the universe, as they set out on their next action-packed Ladybird Audio Adventure!

    On this adventure we’ll journey through time to discover some incredible castles around the world. With a little help from Jeffrey the Jester we’ll learn about moats, turrets and we’ll find out who really is king of the castle!

    These audiobooks help children learn about their environment on a journey of discovery with narrators Ben Bailey Smith (a.k.a. Doc Brown, rapper, comedian and writer), Sophie Alred (Dr Who) and Kristin Atherton as Missy.

    Ladybird Audio Adventures is an award-winning original series for three to seven-year-olds; an entertaining and engaging way for children to learn about the world around them. These are special stories written exclusively for audio, so little ones can become their own adventurers with fun sound and musical effects that are perfect for listening at home, before bed and on long journeys.

    Have you listened to our other Audio Adventures? Australia, The Vikings, Musical Instruments, Cities Around the World and Big Cats are available now!

    ©2024 Ladybird (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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