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Couverture de Lady the Lady Bug!

Lady the Lady Bug!

De : Emily Thuysbaert
Lu par : Brianna Vox
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    This is an exciting children’s book by Emily Thuysbaert, a talented children’s author from Devon.

    Lady the Lady Bug is a thought-provoking, lesson-learning adventure by the artistic talent Pat Thuysbaert.

    Lady will not allow dyslexia to affect her life negatively, so why should anybody else?

    Lady is a ladybug who sees the world differently from everybody else. Nonetheless, Lady recognizes that being different is a superpower, not a reason to be an outcast.

    This compelling story follows Lady on her quest to prove she is more than her dyslexia. Not only must Lady overcome difficulties in reading and writing, but she must also confirm she is as capable as any man! Although Lady struggles with her understanding of words, she has many other talents to show the world. Lady can think outside the box, is creative, and is more than happy to break down gender stereotypes to challenge males.

    "Never give up, never give in" is her mantra, but does she have enough willpower to win the annual tournament and prove that she is just as strong and intelligent as her father?

    Lady the Lady Bug is one of many tales written by Emily, whose mission is to champion dyslexia rather than view it as a weakness. Not only does this book tackle the fact that Lady can become a victor with dyslexia, but it also shows that she will take on the misogynistic world she’s born into, without question. This is more than your average children’s book. It will pose questions, make you smile, and most of all, empower the adults and children who listen to it. "Never give up, never give in."

    ©2019 Emily Thuysbaert (P)2021 Emily Thuysbaert
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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