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Couverture de Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lake

De : Theophilus Monroe, Michael Anderle
Lu par : Amy McFadden
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    A strange woman has risen from the lake . . .

    There's something familiar about her. Is she a friend, or a foe? How the hell did she end up in the Lake of the Ozarks, anyway?

    There's a dark warlock on the loose . . .

    The Grand Coven has shown up to stop him. Among them, the witches who killed my parents . . .

    Is there a connection between the Grand Coven, my parent's death, and this strange lady of the lake?

    All I know is that when she saw me, she knew me . . . Is this strange creature the key to finally understanding the truth?

    Who am I? Where did I come from? Why are so many high falutin' witches obsessed with me? This lady might be dangerous. But if she has the answers I've been looking for, it's worth the risk.

    ©2023 LMBPN® Publishing (P)2024 Tantor

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