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Lady Susan Comes Alive: Part 3

De : Gillian Hiscott, Jane Austen
Lu par : Lisa Druett
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Part three in a series which expands the story Lady Susan written by Jane Austen when she was a young woman.

Lady Susan is at Churchill, the home of her brother-in-law and his wife and family. Her reputation as a coquette has not been aided by her flirtation with Reginald de Courcy.

Lady Susan attempts to further her plans to induce Frederica into marrying Sir James Martin, a nobleman, but Frederica's obvious distaste of the match is a cause for further disruption. She applies to Reginald de Courcy for help, which causes an argument between this gentleman and her mother.

Fearing her daughter's newfound relationship with her aunt and uncle, Lady Susan attempts to take Frederica to London, but fails. Whilst in London, she continues her former relationship with Mr. Mainwaring, the effect of which is to destroy this gentleman's marriage.

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