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Lady Justice and the Avenging Angels

De : Robert Thornhill
Lu par : George Kuch
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Lady Justice has unwittingly entered a religious war. Who better to fight for her than Walt Williams?

Walt and his sweetie, Maggie, have just returned from a honeymoon that was packed with love, fun, mystery, and danger. Now it's time for them to adjust to living under the same roof - quite the challenge for a couple in their sixties, both of whom have never been married before! Suddenly Maggie's feeding Walt fiber - lots of fiber - taking up almost all the closet space, and even getting rid of Walt's favorite old recliner. But nothing could be better than having Maggie by his side when a great threat arises and Walt is, as usual, smack dab in the middle.

When Walt and his partner, Ox, are patrolling the Gay Pride Parade, a bomb goes off near them. They come out okay, but many are dead or seriously injured. Shortly after, the police squad learns the bombs are homemade by a group of religious fanatics calling themselves God's Avenging Angels. The Avenging Angels believe it's their job to rain fire and brimstone on Kansas City, their Sodom and Gomorrah. The next attacks could be anywhere in the metro, so all cops are needed to comb the city and find the perpetrators. Walt and Ox are on the case, which continues to be explosive.

In this compelling addition to the Lady Justice series, Robert Thornhill brings back all the characters listeners have come to love for more hilarity and higher stakes. You'll laugh, and you'll be on the edge of your seat until the big finish. Don't miss Lady Justice and the Avenging Angels!

©2011 Robert Thornhill (P)2016 Robert Thornhill
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