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Labor Day Spells the Summer's End: Good as Advertised

De : Caldwell Lee
Lu par : Adrienne Fleming
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Labor Day Spells the Summer’s End by the Poet Caldwell Lee.

Labor Day Spells the Summer’s End: Good as Advertised is a rich and complex collection of poetry that confronts such issues as race, the future, the current events and affairs such as the COVID-19 pandemic (Coronavirus), the beautiful changing of the seasons, and of course the elections’ debacle and or chaos!

Enmeshed within these poems are violent and purposeful contradictions of hate and love, exuberance and apprehension, of wrangling and conflict.

“A Clash to Analyze”, reveals the disorder and confusion in the current political scene and “Good as Advertised” propels the listener to a oneness of betterment in order to help oneself as well as assisting others

In Lee’s focus on "Labor Day Spells the Summer’s End”, he uncovers holidays not only as a time to enjoy but also a way to live and learn of other cultures and societies at home and abroad.

Lee’s latest audiobook in the Forthright Omnipotence Era Series, which is slated as the new era of superheroes and the new era of loves and heroes is a must listen with surprises that will keep the listener in awe, forever!

About the Author

Caldwell Lee, the Poet Caldwell Lee, author of Labor Day Spells the Summer’s End: Good as Advertised is a contemporary american poet born under the first sign of the zodiac, Aries.

Lee loves his birth month March and his birthstone Aquamarine and uses them freely in life and in poetry.

Prior to this publication, Lee has doneseven other books in the series. The world needs poetry and poetry needs Caldwell Lee.

Reenter the world of Caldwell Lee. Poetry starts here, poetry lives here!

Lee’s work is exploratory and courageous, sensitive and provoking. Better than a dream world! Often, I just sit, hands clasped, rock and nod. My friend, my friend, my god, my god!

©2021 Poet Caldwell Lee (P)2021 Poet Caldwell Lee
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