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Couverture de Kutenai Killing

Kutenai Killing

De : B.N. Rundell
Lu par : Scott Miller
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    In a land of proven warriors and bitter enemies, the outcome of any battle is never certain, and more often…deadly.

    The bloody waters at the lake’s edge told of the destruction of the Kutenai village. Dead bodies were strewn about, smoke curled from burning lodges, and the war cries of screaming Blackfoot warriors followed the war party from the scene of death and destruction.

    It started as a rivalry between two war leaders of the Piikani Blackfoot. Friends since their youth, they both wanted the same woman and were on a quest for honors and loot. One chose to attack the Salish, but met more than expected. The second, known as White Eagle, chose to go after the Kutenai and blood flowed. His easy victory over one village drove him to go for a second village, but he had not known of the wrath and vengeance of a dreaded enemy of the Blackfoot known as Spirit Bear.

    Together with his battle-hardened friend, Black Buffalo, these two were determined to become the personification of vengeance as they pursued the bloodthirsty and vengeful Blackfoot war party.

    ©2020 Wolfpack Publishing (P)2022 Wolfpack Publishing

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