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Couverture de Knight Rising

Knight Rising

De : Jason Hamilton
Lu par : Fiona Hardingham
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    Do not wander in cursed lands alone...

    Una wants only one thing, to find and kill the dragon that drove her out of her childhood home in the heart of Arthurian Britain.

    When a handsome knight frees her from captivity, she learns that she is not the only one who wants the beast dead. The knight is Sir George, a messenger of the Faerie Queen and the man assigned to kill the dragon that still haunts her home.

    But the road to get there contains new dangers, long shut out from this world...until now.

    Together with her newfound ally, she must survive the dreaded Forest of Arden, return to her homeland, and discover what happened to her family. To get there, she will search within herself and discover an ancient, forbidden magic that is either the key to their survival, or the means to their end.

    Knight Rising is a captivating blend of YA fantasy and Arthurian legend. If you like dragons, blossoming romances, and magical showdowns, then you’ll love Jason Hamilton’s fresh take on Edmund Spencer’s classic tale.

    ©2019 Story Hobby Media (P)2019 Story Hobby Media

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