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Couverture de Knife River

Knife River

De : Baron Birtcher
Lu par : Joe Hempel
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    A sheriff fighting to keep the peace in 1970s Oregon faces a shocking secret from his town's past, in this crime thriller from the author of Reckoning.

    There are rules in the West no matter what era you were born in, and it's up to lawman Ty Dawson to make sure they're followed in the valley he calls home. The people living on this unforgiving land keep to themselves and are wary of the modern world's encroachment into their quiet lives.

    So it's not without some suspicion that Dawson confronts a newcomer to the region: a record producer who has built a music studio in an isolated compound. His latest project is a collaboration with a famous young rock star named Ian Swann, recording and filming his sessions for a movie. An amphitheater for a live show is being built on the land, giving Dawson flashbacks to the violent Altamont concert. Not on his watch.

    But even beefed-up security can't stop a disaster that's been over a decade in the making. All it takes is one horrific case bleeding its way into the present to prove that the good ol' days spawned a brand of evil no one wants to revisit . . .

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2024 Rosemeadow Holdings, LLC (P)2024 Tantor

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