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Couverture de Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat, Book 1

Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat, Book 1

De : Johnny Marciano, Emily Chenoweth
Lu par : Oliver Wyman, Vikas Adam
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    Klawde is not your average cat. He's an emperor from another planet, exiled to Earth. He's cruel. He's cunning. He's brilliant...and he's about to become Raj Banerjee's best friend. Whether he likes it or not.

    Klawde had everything. Sharp claws. Fine fur. And, being the high commander of the planet Lyttyrboks, an entire world of warlike cats at his command. But when he is stripped of his feline throne, he is sentenced to the worst possible punishment: exile to a small planet in a quiet corner of the universe...named Earth.

    Raj had everything. A cool apartment in Brooklyn. Three friends who lived in his building. And pizza and comics within walking distance. But when his mom gets a job in Elba, Oregon, and he is forced to move, all of that changes. It's now the beginning of summer, he has no friends, and because of his mother's urgings, he has joined a nature camp.

    It's only when his doorbell rings and he meets a furball of a cat that Raj begins to think maybe his luck is turning around....

    With a hilarious, biting voice that switches between Raj and Klawde's perspectives, this is the story of an unlikely friendship that emerges as two fish out of water begin to find their footing in strange new worlds.

    "Applaud for Klawde. Two paws up!" (Dav Pilkey, creator of the Dog Man series)

    "Funny, savage, and brilliant, Klawde is the pet I wish I had." (Max Brallier, author of the New York Times best-seller The Last Kids on Earth)

    ©2019 Emily Chenoweth and Oliver Wyman (P)2019 Listening Library

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat, Book 1

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