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Couverture de Kissing Games of the World

Kissing Games of the World

De : Sandi Kahn Shelton
Lu par : Myra Platt
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    What if the one person you can't bear to be with is also the one person you can't bear to be without?

    Jamie McClintock is a free-spirited artist and single mother who has at last found peace and freedom sharing a farmhouse with an elderly man and his young grandson. But when the old man dies suddenly her idyllic country life comes to a halt as the old man's estranged son, Nate, returns to claim the house and his child.

    Jamie can't stand Nate's sick, arrogant, salesman-like approach to parenthood, and Nate is irrated by her laid-back, earth mother view of life, not to mention her fondness for artsy knitted vests.

    This is definitely not love at first sight. But as they try to work out the logistics of raising their two little boys - reluctantly enduring everything from games of hide-and-seek with Daddy's Blackberry to breakfast of headless teddy bear pancakes - their lives becaome hopelessly intertwined. It's not until they've gone their separate ways that they both realize that sometimes love sneaks through the door you were sure you'd slammed long ago, and that rescue from the past can come from unlikeliest places.

    An acclaimed author, Sandi Kahn Shelton has been on Wall Street Journal Radio Network, All Things Considered, CBS Evening News, NBC Today Show, Good Day New York, and The O'Reilly Report to promote her two previous books, Sleeping Through The Night...And Other Lies and You Might As Well Laugh. She is a feature writer for the New Haven Register and used to write the monthly Wit's End column for Working Mother magazine. She is a frequent contributor to several women's magazine's, including Women's Day, Family Circle, Redbook, and Ladies' Home Journal. This is her second novel, after What Comes After Crazy.

    ©2008 Sandi Kahn Shelton (P)2008 Listen & Live Audio, Inc.

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