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Couverture de Kiss Me Tonight

Kiss Me Tonight

De : Maria Luis
Lu par : Blake Stanton, Freya Sheller
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    He always gets what he wants, and the football god next door wants me...I had it all.

    The Super Bowl rings.

    The hot shot TV gig.

    Then I got fired.

    Now I’m living in middle-of-nowhere Maine, playing assistant coach to the woman of my nightmares.

    Did I mention that she and her son are my new neighbors?

    If you talk to the locals, they’ll tell you Aspen Levi is the queen of high school football. But if you ask me, my new head coach is a pain in my left nut sac.

    She’s too blonde.

    Too peppy.

    And way too sexy for my peace of mind.

    Only, one minute we’re fighting, and the next I can’t keep my hands off her. One hot kiss. One forbidden touch. I don’t do love but . . .

    What I want, I take, and what I want is Aspen Levi.

    KISS ME TONIGHT is a single mom/neighbors to enemies to lovers romance. It's the second book in the Put A Ring On It series and can be listened to as a standalone.

    ©2019, 2020, 2021 Alkmini Books, LLC (P)2019 Alkmini Books, LLC

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