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Couverture de King: A Life (Young Readers' Edition)

King: A Life (Young Readers' Edition)

De : Jonathan Eig, Yohuru Williams - adapter, Michael G. Long - adapter
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    Hailed as “the most compelling account of [Martin Luther] King’s life in a generation” by the Washington Post, the Pulitzer Prize-winning bestseller is now adapted for young listeners in this new standard biography of the most famous civil rights activist in American History.

    Often regarded as more of a myth and legend than man, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was many things throughout his storied life: student, activist, preacher, dreamer, father, husband. From his Atlanta childhood centered in the historically Black neighborhood of Sweet Auburn to his precipitous rise as a civil rights leader on the streets of Birmingham, Selma, and Montgomery, Dr. King would go on to become one of the most recognizable, influential, and controversial persons of the twentieth century.

    In this fast-paced and immersive adaptation of Jonathan Eig’s groundbreaking New York Times bestseller listeners will meet a Dr. King like no other: a committed radical whose demands for racial and economic justice remain as urgent today as they were in his lifetime, a minister wrestling with his human frailties and dark moods, a citizen hunted by his own government.

    The inspiring young readers’ edition of King: A Life highlights the author’s never-before-seen research—including recently declassified FBI documents—while reaffirming and recontextualizing the lasting effects and implications of MLK’s work for the present day. Adapted by National Book Award-nominated authors Yohuru Williams and Michael G. Long, this biography for a new generation is a nuanced, unprecedented portrayal of a man who truly shook the world.

    Accolades and Praise for King: A Life:

    Pulitzer Prize Winner

    A New York Times, Washington Post, and Indie Bestseller

    A National Book Award Nominee

    One of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of the Year

    A National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist

    A “Best Book of the Year” from New York TimesWashington PostTIME Magazine ● The New YorkerPublishers Weekly ● ● The Chicago TribuneSmithsonian Magazine ● Christian Science Monitor Air Mail

    “Supple, penetrating, heartstring-pulling and compulsively readable . . . Eig’s book is worthy of its subject.”New York Times

    “No book could be more timely than Jonathan Eig’s sweeping and majestic new King.”Philadelphia Inquirer

    ©2025 Jonathan Eig, Yohuru Williams, Michael G. Long (P)2025 Macmillan Audio

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