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Couverture de Killville [Dramatized Adaptation]

Killville [Dramatized Adaptation]

De : James Axler
Lu par : full cast, Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, Delores King Williams, Colleen Delany, Alejandro Ruiz, Laura C Harris, Zeke Alton, Tia Shearer, Michael Mowen, Lawrence Redmond, Karen Novack
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    Fleeing from the growing sinkhole that was once the Glory mines, Ryan Cawdor and his companions struggle to make their way east to Ryan’s home of Front Royal as a safe haven for delivering Krysty’s child. Along the way, they are welcomed into a Deathlands community based on the structure and devolved traditions of a 20th century Iowa State prison. One of the bizarre customs that has evolved is the tallying of victorious acts of violence as a way of achieving dominance. Through a misunderstanding, Doc Tanner is believed to have achieved 246 of such acts and is thrust unwillingly into a cage match against a savage, hulking opponent. The companions' fate may well rest on the outcome.

    Elsewhere, Ricky Morales and Jo Abernathy are on the trail of his long-lost sister Yamile who was captured into slavery when he first met Ryan and the others. Having appropriated a slavers’ wagon, they are pretending to be slavers themselves when they enter the territory of Cloudville, a thriving community that employs slave labor to maintain its prosperity. The ruse comes to a head when the real slavers arrive.

    Performed by Richard Rohan, Terence Aselford, Delores King Williams, Colleen Delany, Alejandro Ruiz, Laura C Harris, Zeke Alton, Tia Shearer, Michael Mowen, Lawrence Redmond, Karen Novack, Amanda Forstrom, Eva Wilhelm, Bruce Alan Rauscher, Michael Glenn, Carolyn Kashner, Marni Penning, Tracy Olivera, Christopher Walker, Eric Messner, Matthew Pauli, Andy Brownstein, Steven Carpenter, Henry Kramer, Matthew Ward, Elliot Dash, Marty Lodge, Jonathon Church, Matthew Bassett.

    ©2019 Worldwide Library (P)2019 Graphic Audio, LLC

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