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Couverture de Killing It

Killing It

De : Laurence Howarth
Lu par : Darren Boyd, full cast, Joanna Page
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    Broadcast initially as Safety Catch, all twelve episodes of the BBC Radio 4 comedy of modern morality set in the world of arms dealing

    Simon McGrath is a nice chap – he donates blood, he recycles, he cares about the world. He just happens to work as an arms dealer – or a 'defence and security equipment system solutions broker' as he prefers to call it. It wasn’t planned, and what he really wants is to pursue is his career in electronic music, but until that takes off he’ll stay where he is. After all, he has to pay his mortgage like everyone else...

    In these three series, Simon goes to extreme lengths to prove to everyone just how guilt-ridden he feels about doing the job he does, from considering becoming a whistleblower to deciding to quit when he has to sell uniforms to child soldiers. As he tries to salve his conscience, he decides to do his job really badly (only to find out that he secretly loves it), attempts to gain redundancy (but gets a promotion instead) and wonders whether he should seek forgiveness (but surely he has absolutely nothing to be forgiven for – does he?)

    Meanwhile, his personal life is proving equally problematic, as he and his needy girlfriend Anna contemplate having a baby, survive a visit from her parents and try to find reasons why they still love each other...

    Written by Laurence Howarth and John Finnemore, this controversial black comedy stars Darren Boyd (Killing Eve) as Simon and Joanna Page (Gavin & Stacey) as Anna.

    Written by Laurence Howarth and John Finnemore (Series 1, Episode 3)
    Produced by Dawn Ellis

    First broadcast BBC Radio 4: 26 September-17 October 2007, (Series 1), 1-22 April 2009 (Series 2), 5-26 November 2010 (Series 3)

    Simon McGrath……………………Darren Boyd
    Anna Grieg……………………Joanna Page
    Boris Kemal……………………Lewis MacLeod
    Judith McGrath……………………Sarah Smart
    Angela McGrath……………………Brigit Forsyth
    Mr Njai……………………Ben Onwukwe
    Sophie……………………Catherine Shepherd
    Ol……………………Nicholas Boulton
    Mr Kendall……………………John Dougall
    Madeleine Turnbull……………………Rachel Atkins
    Peter/Guide……………………Gus Brown
    Paramedic/Roger/Dave……………………Philip Fox
    Marcus/Richard……………………Dan Mersh
    Julius……………………Nyasha Hatendi
    Charles……………………John Schwab
    Glenys/Sarah……………………Di Botcher
    Hugh/Vicar……………………Mike Hayward
    With Beth Chalmers

    ©2020 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2020 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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