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  • Killer Kids

  • 10 Cases of Kids Who Killed Their Parents
  • De : Jonny Cassidy
  • Lu par : Kevin Key
  • Durée : 2 h et 54 min

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Killer Kids

De : Jonny Cassidy
Lu par : Kevin Key
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    Learn about the horrifying reasons behind the deeds of 10 underage killers.

    If the deed itself isn’t enough for you, and you want to know more about the reasons why these children formed into killers, this book is for you. If you’d like to understand the chilling darkness and explore the minds of some of the notable killer kids, start listening now!

    Find out what made these cold-blooded killer children deviant and ruthless. When? Where? How? Why? The answers await you in this comprehensive analysis of the most notable 10 killer kids narrated in a way you’ve never heard before.

    Forget about boringly and plainly laid out pieces of information and facts. Instead, you’ll learn about the circumstances surrounding these chilling events and how they influenced these kids. The severity of their actions will chill you to the bone – every single word written in this book is true.

    Murder has been unavoidable since the dawn of humanity. People have killed and been killed for almost every reason known to man. However, murdering children have not been typical. Learn about the rationale, which is not often the focus of investigations and public debate around these tragedies. Learn about all the occasions where the killers’ reasoning and intentions became the focal point and changed the public’s perception of the crime.

    Are your heart and mind able to handle what awaits inside? Take a look if you dare!

    Scroll up, click on “Buy Now”, and get your copy now!

    ©2021 Ben Wilson (P)2021 Ben Wilson

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