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  • Ketogenic Diet: 21 Days to Rapid Fat Loss, Unstoppable Energy and Upgrade Your Life - Lose up to a Pound a Day

  • De : James Franz
  • Lu par : Troy Otte
  • Durée : 1 h et 23 min

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Ketogenic Diet: 21 Days to Rapid Fat Loss, Unstoppable Energy and Upgrade Your Life - Lose up to a Pound a Day

De : James Franz
Lu par : Troy Otte
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    Do you feel like you haven't been blessed with the best fat burning genetics? Does food seem to go straight to your problem areas like your belly, bum, and thighs?

    Do you feel like you've tried every diet known to man but the weight keeps coming back?

    What If I told you that you could lose weight, feel better, look better, have more energy, reduce pain, boost your sex drive, prevent disease...and best of all you'll still be able to still eat some of the foods you crave the most and still experience a slimmer body.

    In Ketogenic Diet that's exactly what you'll get.

    You will discover the exact science behind how we gain and lose weight as well as what absolutely needs to be done to attack that stubborn body fat; that until now has been so challenging to get rid of. The strategies in this book are so simple, so easy to implement and so powerful...that it will probably sound so unbelievable when you first hear about it.

    This weight destroying method will deliver you a total body changeover without any supplements, sweaty workouts or overpriced ineffective weight loss pills. It will work on people of any weight, any body shape and any body type.

    Are you ready to rapidly melt away chunks of fat from off your body and keep it off for good?

    I have poured everything that i know into this book, it simplifies everything that works to reverse the signs of aging naturally so that you can benefit from it as much as I do!

    Even in the next few weeks the results you will see in the mirror are going to be indisputable. You will likely wonder how this got past you all these years! I have designed this book to take anyone from absolute beginner to expert (and anywhere in between) so you can discover which foods to avoid and which to eat in plentiful supply to help properly nourish and support anti-aging, long lasting weight loss, an abundance of natural energy and, an improved mood.

    ©2016 James Franz (P)2017 James Franz

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