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Couverture de Keisha the Sket

Keisha the Sket

De : Jade LB
Lu par : Nadia Rose, Taz Munya, Jade LB, Candice Carty-Williams, Enny, Aniefiok Ekpoudom, Olatunji Ayofe
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Where were you when Keisha the Sket first broke the internet?

    Keisha is a girl from the ends, sharp, feisty and ambitious; she's been labelled 'top sket', but she's making it work. When childhood crush and long-time admirer Ricardo finally wins her over, Keisha has it all: power, a love life and the chance for stability. But trauma comes knocking and with it a whirlwind of choices that will define what kind of a woman she truly wants to be.

    Told with the heart and soul of the inner city, with an unforgettable heroine, Keisha the Sket is a revelation of the true, raw, arousing and tender core of British youth culture.

    In audio for the first time, Keisha the Sket has lived in the phones and websites of fans for decades, and this timeless coming of age story is not just a word-of-mouth sensation but also a British classic in the making. Complete with essays from esteemed contemporary writers Candice Carty-Williams, Caleb Femi and others, this is the complete and defining edition with edits and additional content from the author, perfect for listeners - existing and new - to listen to and fall in love with over and over again.

    ©2021 Jade LB (P)2021 Penguin Audio

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