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Couverture de Keeping the Faith

Keeping the Faith

De : Brenda Wineapple
Lu par : Gabra Zackman
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    “Brenda Wineapple’s wonderful account of the Scopes trial sheds light not only on the battles of the past but on the struggles of the present.”—Jon Meacham

    In this magnificent book, award-winning author of The Impeachers brings to life the dramatic story of the 1925 Scopes trial, which captivated the nation and exposed profound divisions in America that still resonate today—divisions over the meaning of freedom, religion, education, censorship, and civil liberties in a democracy.

    “Propulsive . . . a terrific story about a pivotal moment in our history.”—Ken Burns

    “No subject possesses the minds of men like religious bigotry and hate, and these fires are being lighted today in America.” So said legendary attorney Clarence Darrow as hundreds of people descended on the sleepy town of Dayton, Tennessee, for the trial of a schoolteacher named John T. Scopes, who was charged with breaking the law by teaching evolution to his biology class in a public school.

    Brenda Wineapple explores how and why the Scopes trial quickly seemed a circus-like media sensation, drawing massive crowds and worldwide attention. Darrow, a brilliant and controversial lawyer, said in his electrifying defense of Scopes that people should be free to think, worship, and learn. William Jennings Bryan, three-time Democratic nominee for president, argued for the prosecution that evolution undermined the fundamental, literal truth of the Bible and created a society without morals, meaning, and hope.

    In Keeping the Faith, Wineapple takes us into the early years of the twentieth century—years of racism, intolerance, and world war—to illuminate, through this pivotal legal showdown, a seismic period in American history. At its heart, the Scopes trial dramatized conflicts over many of the fundamental values that define America, and that continue to divide Americans today.

    ©2024 Brenda Wineapple (P)2024 Random House Audio


    “It had everything—the clash of science and faith, dueling celebrity lawyers, intense media interest. The Scopes trial remains resonant in our own time, and Brenda Wineapple’s wonderful account of how tiny Dayton, Tennessee, became the site of a vital skirmish in the wars of modernity sheds light not only on the battles of the past but on the unfolding struggles of the urgent present.”—Jon Meacham

    “In this propulsive account of the 1925 Scopes trial, Wineapple documents the antecedents that led to it and how the trial exposed fault lines in America that continue to haunt us. Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan emerge as complicated and fascinating characters who embody different versions of American democracy. Keeping The Faith is a terrific story about a pivotal moment in our history and a book that illuminates the conflicts we are seeing in our country today.”—Ken Burns

    “Much of what we think we know about the famous ‘Scopes trial,’ we don't. Our misconceptions need correction; and there is no better corrector than Brenda Wineapple.”—Garry Wills, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Lincoln at Gettysburg and What the Qur’an Meant

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