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Couverture de Keeping Christmas

Keeping Christmas

De : Shanna Hatfield
Lu par : Luke Andreen
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    A promise he makes is one he'll keep, even if it costs him the woman he loves.

    Professional bareback rider Gage Taggart can almost taste the world championship title he’s spent all year pursuing. When an unexpected injury sidelines him, he heads to his best friend Trevor’s home to recuperate. Little by little, he finds himself completely smitten with Trevor’s beautiful sister. But he’s up against a formidable opponent: brotherly concern. Reluctantly, Gage vows to leave Tally alone to keep from breaking her heart when he heads back out on the road.

    Tally King thrives on her work as a nurse, until she ends up caring for her injured brother and his best friend on the family ranch. Between the two stubborn men determined to prove how tough they and the unpredictable antics of her loony aunt Marvella, Tally feels like her life is spiraling out of control. Or maybe it’s due to falling head over heels in love with Gage despite concerns he’ll leave her heart in broken pieces.

    An uplifting, sweet romance full of humor and hope, Keeping Christmas follows an unlikely couple as they discover the magic of Christmas and the wonder of true love.

    ©2019 Shanna Hatfield (P)2022 Shanna Hatfield

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