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De : S C Cunningham
Lu par : Susan Knight
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Feisty Amy Fox meets the infamous Witness Warrior Warlord Qyl. Kidnap, revenge, and murder are the least of her problems. She's a new angel, but for how long? Abusing her powers, lusting after her partner, avenging personal scores, protecting the underdog, dishing out unauthorized karma on terrorists, traffickers, abusers, hunters, bullies, bitches, and competing warlords will have her thrown below ground.

At the age of four, Amy was taken. She survived.

A week later, another little girl was taken. She didn't.

Angry that a bad man has gotten away with murder, justice-seeking Amy makes a deal with the heavens. When she dies, if she’s been a good girl, would they let her sit on a cloud for a while - invisible - and get the bad people who slip through God’s fingers?

Decades later, her deal and God long forgotten, career girl Amy mysteriously dies. Her lifeless body is found beneath a London underground commuter train.

She awakens in the afterlife to discover an international network of like-minded souls who’ve all made the same deal. A sophisticated MI5-esque justice machine sits in the skies. The only evidence they leave behind during their earthly visits is a small white feather sashaying to the ground.

In a chaotic world of vendettas, with jealous exes on her heels and powerful adversaries trying to close her unit down, Amy has never worked so hard in her entire earthly life. She has to wonder if making the deal was a mistake.

©2019 S C Cunningham (P)2020 S C Cunningham
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