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Couverture de Kabbalah for the Layman

Kabbalah for the Layman

De : Rav Berg
Lu par : Tim Paulson
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    Prior to the popularization of Kabbalah, Kabbalist Rav Berg synthesized the wisdom’s key concepts into a progressive system, rather than the non-linear manner of exploration previously available. This book is the result.

    The kabbalistic lineage is inextricably tied to the study of the knowledge itself. To this end, Rav Berg includes historical milestones, as well as insights about master kabbalists, whose lives and deaths provide a basis for learning and connection.

    Kabbalah for the Layman is a profound study of deep kabbalistic concepts made applicable to daily life in the 21 century. At the time of its first printing in 1981, this title was considered a revolutionary portal to expanded consciousness. Kabbalah for the Layman Volumes 1, 2, and 3 became classics. Newly edited, this book contains the all three volumes for a comprehensive introduction to Kabbalah.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©1981, 1988, 2012 Kabbalah Centre International, Inc. (P)2023 Kabbalah Centre International, Inc.

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