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Couverture de K9 Spirit Guides

K9 Spirit Guides

De : Heather Leigh Strom
Lu par : Heather Leigh Strom
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    We’ve always suspected dogs are magical angels from God. In K9 Spirit Guides, author Heather Leigh Strom gives you proof that our canine companions possess specific divine gifts to facilitate our healing, elevate our awareness, and expand our consciousness as children of God. Man’s best friends have their own spirit guides, which is why they appear in our lives just when we need them most.

    Strom narrates a story of a girl and her many dogs. These special K9's found their way to her from throughout the world. However, their clandestine purpose and message wasn’t fully understood for decades. This story tells how these special K9 angels led their owner strategically through a divine journey of self-actualization.

    Strom shares how her painful trauma healed instantly with their guidance; how the K9 guides brought her complete understanding of her life, who she was, and where she was going; and how they offered healing, peace, and divine spiritual enlightenment decades after her dogs died.

    K9 spirit guides are angelic support entities that connect with us through our canine friends. Essentially, our dogs have spirit guides much like each of us has our own spirit guides that helps us along our journey. Only the dogs’ spirit guides are not present to support the dog; rather, they are here for us! They watch over us offering their unique wisdom and benevolent healing through man’s best friend. They are not your dog’s individual spirit, and they are not what psychics tap into when they tell you what your dog is thinking. These stealth guardians have never spoken out until now. This book serves as their debut, an unveiling of sorts, to enlighten humanity about their presence, their purpose, and their gifts. It is an invitation for humankind to use these gifts to empower expedited healing and enlightenment. These special guides have specific messages for all of us.

    ©2023 Heather Leigh Strom (P)2023 Heather Leigh Strom

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