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Couverture de Jy Goes for Gold

Jy Goes for Gold

De : Carl Merrison, Hakea Hustler
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    An action-packed AFL illustrated series for ages 8+, from the award-winning authors of Black Cockatoo and My Footy Boots.

    I'm about 35 metres out from the goal and, running on instinct, I do a snap kick of the ball. I watch as the footy flies through the air.

    Will it bend enough?

    I can hear the roar of the crowd but my focus is on that red ball. It flies through the big white sticks.

    It's a goal!

    I'm Jy Farrar, and this is my first professional match. the dream I had to play in the AFL since I was a kid in outback Halls Creek has finally come true.

    Let me tell you the story of how I got here–about my mates, my family, growing up in the Kimberley around the bush and the red dirt and spinifex and goannas, playing footy and going to boarding school far away from home.

    An AFL adventure story based on First Nations man Jy Farrar's life, by award-winning authors Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler.

    ©2024 Carl Merrison (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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